After i had a bad statin reaction about 4 years ago, I researched substitutes for taking statins. This led me to various vitamins.
There is serious evidence that Vitamin K-2 (the MK-7 long chain version), tended to block arteriosclerosis formation and actual possibly reverse it. Also the shorter chain version (MK-4), was shown to dramatically reduce osteoporosis fractures in a 4,000 woman trial in Japan (albeit at very high doses).
Does it work? <Shrug> All I know is that I did not take a baseline calcium score test, but after 6 months I took one, I scored in the 97% for having the least existing arteriosclerosis plaque for my age (62 at the time). Not bad for an obese male who doesn't exercise much.
My research also showed that Vitamin D3 acted synergisticly with K-2, so I added D3 at 1,000 IUC to the mix, before I took the calcium score.
So I kept researching. Statins lowered the CoQ-10 levels, so I added CoQ 10 to my regimen.
Well, I might as well go the whole hog. I added a B complex + Vitamin C pill.
Thar's where it stood until COVID-19 reared its ugly head. Lots more research. (Warren Buffet likes to read annual reports, I like to read molecular biology research. So sue. . . )
Vitamin D3 already was know to reduce incidence of Upper Respiratory Infections (reason not known). I looked up research on Vitamin D3. University of California San Diego (UCSD) has an Investigatory Drug permit from the FDA for research in D3. They had already determined that level up to at least 10,000 IUC/Day had no long term problems, and that people who were in the sun all day long, built blood levels of natural D3 much higher than currently recommended. Plus a study with 5,000 IUC/Day with early stage Prostate Cancer (Gleason 6 or lower) progressed at a much slower pace than a placebo control.
I uppped my D3 to 5,000 ICU/Day.
The research on COVID-19 is ongoing. So far, I added Zinc (@ 30 mg/day) as Zinc has been proven to reduce viral intracellular replication. To hopefully help the Zinc get into the cells, I added Quercetin @ 1000 Mg/Day (Less side effects than HCQ or EGCG, check for drug interactions).
I also bumped up my vitamin C intake by 1,000 Mg, for its anti-oxidant power.
Under consideration is N-Acetyl-Cysteine, another anti-oxidant that affect oxidation in a pathway that COVID-19 disrupts. Still thinking this one over.
THIS NOT A RECOMMENDATION TO TAKE ANY OF THESE. It's just what I'm doing, and why.
Yes, this costs money. So do timeshares. . .