We were told that no matter when you bought it didn't matter as a week is a week and you can trade that week throughout VSE for any week at any other resort. We ended up with a summer week in a 1 bedroom. We did end up financing only because we were down there and are from Canada and didn't have access to the money at the time. We have since obtained the money and are going to pay it off before the interest starts accuring. They did give us 40,000 starpoints with our membership. Our 10 days was up as of 22nd of February when we were finally given access to the vistana website to see the fact that none of this worked for us. We have since been working with them to try and make it work but they want $16,000 more dollars to bring us to a total of 67,100 staroptions. Needless to say that is not going to happen since we have since learned we can buy resale much cheaper then that and have over 90,000 options. Sometimes you end up learning the hard way. We don't feel it was too big of a mistake expecially if in the end we can get enough points to make it work.
btw - welcome to TUG
They would be more than happy to have you throw more money at them - do not do this until you have researched every aspect of VSE Ownership and how VSN works. And still do not do this w/o buying resale first... there are many (many) more reasons to buy resale VSE than purchasing from VSE. As you have just discovered.
Many have found TUG too late. As you wrote - now it is important to maximize your ownership, and put the regret behind you. They are professionals at sales and getting people to buy without doing adequate research (seems like timeshares are somewhat unique to this) - however, the product is good.
You didn't say if it was the large (premium) or small (deluxe) 1Bd - they have different SO assignments and MFs (Maintenance fees). btw - there is a acronym list in the 'stickies' at the top of this forum.
As you have probably discovered by now - your low season WKV has little resale value (you could pick this up cheap on resale market and the only thing you really lose is the ability to convert the SOs to StarPoints (SP). The amount of SOs that you have will not get you much via VSN. One upside, is the advantage of WKV the MFs are low (relative to the rest of VSE).
After you have researched more - and depending on how many SOs you have (and tolerance for additional MFs) - you could pick up more resale SOs (from a Mandatory resort), and combine with what you have, to open up inventory available to you via VSN (e.g. WKORV/N, WPORV, etc.).