Press button at elevator. Tell them you are a Marriott Owner, and would like to come up. They will buzz to let you in. Actually, the guests coming in off the beach will probably let you in.
If you come late, the elevators off the parking lot will only stop at the lobby....and you may need to change elevators to continue.
You can ask for Al.....but I don't think he works on Sunday.
Best way....park one block south in public parking directly across the street from the Silver Sea and Merriweather Timeshare ($1.00 per hour) right off A1A S. (Note the Cafe will park just S of that restaurant. You can park in the Casablanca Lot...(all the way to the end of Alhambra...if you tell them you are eating lunch, its $3.00 the day...otherwise, if busy, they will not let you park.
{Also, there should be plenty of parking in the Fort Lauderale Public Yacht Dockage....where you got on the water taxi at the Beach Place stop} Thats behind MBP on the Intracoastal side.
I say to avoid the MBP lot because you will probably be charged $12.00 a day...period.
Once parked, walk to the beach front.....its much easier to cross A1A by Alhambra, then walk past the Silver Seas, and the St Regis, go up the MBP front stairs, and walk to the parking on level one or level 3 (Level 2 may be closed off). (You are really already 4 or 5 levels up). You will see the elevators plainly marked MVCI, and if not open, ring the bell.
It is a very lot of construction going on. careful.
Casablanca will not have the one free lunch with one on Sunday...just weekdays. But I think I saw coupons for Cheeburger Cheeburger, and Sloppy Joes of Key West. on the internet sites. We don't like Hooters too much, or Sally O'Brians....but Maxs Grille is good...even if they don't have their $3.99 lunch special...(They had a sign in the Weston one when we went to the Clinic.)
If the sales office is open (I don't think it is selling anything) might get help to show. But I think asking Al, the conceriage (sp) is best....he is super helpful.
I don't think there will be any villas open. They used to have one on the top floor, on the other side of the owners was a model...but I think its not used as a model anymore.