No but rescind anyway. VIP silver is never going to be worth the extra $20,000-$40,000 no matter what how they spin it. If your financing your cost will be even higher.
I own a few Wyndham points ... if you are booking just for family usage .. your intimate family ... and you can plan 10-13 months in advance ... 7 night stays ... seldom changing your plans ... you will be fine with resale points. Figure out WHERE you Home Resort will be ... the place you will book 60-80% of the time ... 13 months in advance and the size unit you will need ==> that gives you the number of points YOU should buy (at first and resale). If you buy MORE points than you need, buy where the sum of points is a factor of 77,000 .... that is the increment Wyndham calculates it Reservation Transactions (RT) and housekeeping credits (HK) at.
So if you need 203K, try to buy 1 contract for 231K ... or the 203K contract. The 77K factor is on ALL the points in your member number added together .... but buying a 77K, 28K, 105K might get you over the 203K point goal ... your left over points won't book anything AND you paid 3 $299 transfer fees to buy and another 3 $299 when you go to sell them ..
hence, that is WHY small points contracts are worthless...
So save your money .. get the more expensive bigger contract with the 77K as the multiplier as ONE contract ... saving 2 buy in $299 fees and 2 sell out $299 fee.... $1196 "saved" can be a real justifier in spending a little bit more NOW and even LESS later (when you sell).