I have been out of work for nearly 4 years outside of little side jobs to put food on the table. This is not a sob story! I have been paying my maintenance every year and been sucking it up not using my timeshare. I have been contacted by every scammer possible but have not had any luck getting out of my unit. Yes. tried giving, donating, even wishing it away. My fees were around $800 for 1 week in Fla. This year I was hit with a special assessment which the fee is now close to $1,300. I just can't pay it. My w2 for 2011 is $1,800.00 That's right! I need to just give it up. I know all you TS people say "because of you my fees are rising". But even though I haven't been working thus far I was still paying my fees. I can't any more. What will happen to me?
Someone please answer me with truth not agression to my failure to pay!
Someone please answer me with truth not agression to my failure to pay!