I disagree. It is not about the value of the timeshare. It is about not clouding the title so you can dispose or deed it back someday. Title and third party processors make mistakes. Perhaps the biggest error is entering the wrong location or unit on the deed. (It happened to me. Fortunately, we were able to correct in time and contacted the seller to file a revised deed with the county.)
Biggest risk are properties that have been resold several times vs. sold initially from the developer. The opportunities for grammatical and other errors about title increase exponentially the more the property changes hands.
For me $180 is a small price to sleep at night because I don't want to be 10 years down the road with the seller nowhere to be found and stuck with a maint fee for life with a property that cannot be transferred, (or VSE refusing to deedback) because the title is clouded.
The only exception is if the property is in a non-judicial, anti-deficiency state like Florida or California where you have recourse to walk and enable the developer to foreclose without pursuing your other assets. However I would prefer to pay $180 to avoid the hassle and risk of a credit hit and bill collectors. I believe AZ is not one of those states.