I have been contacted by a group called Vacation Ownership. The person wanted to know if I had been mislead when I purchased my timeshare. Does anyone know anything about this consulting firm? If I supplied information, would the bottom line be to pay a fee for their services? Thanks for any information on this firm.
I don't know about that specific outfit. A recurring pattern with outfits of this type is that they run by the same people who operate the upfront fee resale scams - the same ones which the federal government and some state AGs are prosecuting for criminal fraud.
Through their other work, these operations have contact information for people who own timeshares. They then work those lists for various purposes. First you can pitch them on the resale scam. Then you can hit the same people again with the "we can recover the money you gave the resale scammer pitcher. (Of course that's just the original scammer himself or one of his cronies making that pitch.) Finally, you can hit them again with the pitch that you just received.
A good con man working a pliant contact can get money from the same person three times this way. Or, after they change the names of the firms, they can start the pitches all over again, pretending to be someone new.