We have 18 weeks total and all are enrolled. I've looked at possibly putting them into a trust in the past and at the time had decided not to do so. Marriott Title department is strongly suggesting that we consider it vs changing the title to include the adult children. I have confirmed that the weeks will stay enrolled either way. Creating 2 separate sets with different names will make it so the weeks don't all work together and will generate 2 club dues yearly but it will keep the usage and management simpler with the 2 adult children who get along but sometimes look at things differently. So my questions center around the trust issue, esp if anyone has done so and how the change went as well as how they function after being in the trust esp in regards to Reward status and usage. I'm OK with the expense of setting up a trust, changing the titles and filing the paperwork yearly (would use LT transfers in all likelihood unless someone can recommend someone that will do this as a bundle cheaper) but I realize that I don't know what I don't know and the devil's in the details. I have an open slate at this point so all thoughts and suggestions are welcome regarding a trust, avoiding a trust or others methods to accomplish the same goals of keeping this simple as a legacy issue.