It's been a while since I traded my resale SDO week through II. What is the cheapest, easiest way to deposit my 2020 SDO week with II to start looking for a trade?
Also, what is the deadline and cost to "bank" my 2020 Sheraton Vistana Village SOs?
Thanks for the refresher course.
Do you have an idea of which resorts you'd like to trade into? Go to your II account and deposit your week online. Then place your requests, if you know approximately when you want to travel. Otherwise, what you see when you manually search are the "left overs" after the requests have been matched by II. However, those who search manually and place a request seem to have the most success, since there may be a time when the computer does not make the match with what you've requested, but yet you can see availability when searching manually.
The deadline for banking is July 1st, and I think the fee is around $99? It's been a while since I last banked my SO, so I can't remember the exact fee. Someone who banked more recently can clarify? CJ