I constantly saw, less so now, posts by people downplaying this pandemic pointing to the shining example of Sweden. Their cases and deaths per capita have been significantly higher than their neighbors Denmark, Norway and Finland.
Sweden has 3124 cases/million, 20,800 test/million, and 380 deaths/million
Denmark has 1920 cases/million, 84,765 tests/million and 95 deaths/million
Norway has 1529 cases/million, 41,180 tests/million and 43 deaths/million
Finland has 1163 cases/million, 28.196 tests/million and 55 deaths/million.
Those four countries have very similar populations, but the way they chose to deal with Covid19 were strikingly different. I don't think we have to wait until next year to determine that Sweden's approach was a failure, causing the cases and deaths of many more than their neighbors.