TUG Member
I still haven't received my new RCI Resort Directory- I thought we were supposed to receive these by the end of January? My old Directory is in shambles from overuse, so hopefully my new one gets here soon!
orpheuswaking said:All directories will be mailed by the end of May. They are being mailed in batches. If you call a guide they can now tell you the date it will likely mail out and arrive. IF you received a directory in 2005 you will not receive one this year.
JLB said:Would you mind telling us a little bit more about yourself. You seem to speak with authority and have that Indianapolis, via England thingy there.
orpheuswaking said:Well..... I am from England and now reside in Indianapolis, IN. I have lived in the USA since 1997... And being that I live in Indianapolis I think we can all guess where I workHOWEVER the only posts I have made here are simple answers that can be found easily (Such as the phone message now telling you when the directories will mail). I am not replacing Madge, and neither will I answer detailed or complex posts (I quite like the Job and wouldn't want to overstep any boundries).