As for IE/MS, the market would have corrected itself.
I guess you see the market very differently than I did back then - there were very many sites that you were to one extent or another required to use (either by job, government, bank or others) that only would work with IE - through like 2012 or so - it lingered on IE6 for over a decade longer than it ever should have. If your chosen web browser couldn't load a site you needed to load - then it didn't matter that you *could* choose a different browser. It's still like this now - I
can use Linux primarily, but I
can't run TurboTax or Adobe products or many games or Autodesk products. Sure - anyone
technically could choose Linux, but for a lot of jobs or even submitting the taxes or various government forms you also must have a Windows computer.
It seems to have gone that route now.
Not really, just that Google is now the monopoly. Google is singlehandedly trying to use the chrome market share to disable ad blocking for instance. They're actually proposing worse than that with various OS attestations and such where again if you don't use the "monopoly" version you'll be blocked out of many commercial, government, bank, etc websites. I hope it fails, but they seem to have won on the adblock side.
There are more browser options today than any other time in history.
There really aren't. There's Safari, only on Apple, which often doesn't work on a site. There's Firefox, which also weirdly fails on some sites. The reason is people only test on Chrome. Outside of those, all the known browsers are based on either Chrome or Firefox - Opera, Vivaldi, Brave, are actually Chrome engine and beholden to how google builds it. Waterfox, Palemoon etc are based on Firefox or a fork from Firefox from long ago and are even less likely to work on random sites that only test for Chrome. When Chrome has around 90% market share, that's what's built for, and it's no different from back when IE6 was 90% market share - the only improvement is that the rendering engine is open source for Chrome so people can make different UIs for you. But no one is forking chromium to keep features like manifest v2 and therefore ad blocking.
The main use for MS Edge is to download Chrome.
Which itself is ironic because modern MS Edge
is Chrome with a different theme.