Just got this E-Mail. Was not aware that Wyndham points could be swaped between various programs or sold (I thought a specific reservation needed to be made then it could be rented).
Anyone taking Andrew up on his offer may want to consult the Members Directory First.
This is a message from andrew91 at Timeshare Users Group Online Community Forums ( http://www.tugbbs.com/forums/index.php ). The Timeshare Users Group Online Community Forums owners cannot accept any responsibility for the contents of the email.
The sending of this message did not reveal your email address to andrew91.
To email andrew91, you can use this online form:
OR, by email:
Any reply you send will reveal your email address to andrew91.
This is the message:
Hi, if you still have Wyndham points i would be interested in buying them off you or maybe even swapping for other programs points.
Please respond by sending to my email and not PM
This appears to be the beginning of non stop spamming. Three messages received on the same topic. 5:49, 5:43, and 6:02.
I wonder is using TUGS by a member as a spamming device gets the member suspended.
P.S. The E-Mails cited did not come through TUGS. A different one came through through TUGS.
Anyone taking Andrew up on his offer may want to consult the Members Directory First.
This is a message from andrew91 at Timeshare Users Group Online Community Forums ( http://www.tugbbs.com/forums/index.php ). The Timeshare Users Group Online Community Forums owners cannot accept any responsibility for the contents of the email.
The sending of this message did not reveal your email address to andrew91.
To email andrew91, you can use this online form:
OR, by email:
Any reply you send will reveal your email address to andrew91.
This is the message:
Hi, if you still have Wyndham points i would be interested in buying them off you or maybe even swapping for other programs points.
Please respond by sending to my email and not PM
This appears to be the beginning of non stop spamming. Three messages received on the same topic. 5:49, 5:43, and 6:02.
I wonder is using TUGS by a member as a spamming device gets the member suspended.
P.S. The E-Mails cited did not come through TUGS. A different one came through through TUGS.
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