§ 408.20 Monthly premiums.
(a) Statutory provisions.
(1) The law established a monthly premium of $3 for the initial period of the program. It also set forth criteria and procedures for the
Secretary to follow each December, beginning with December 1968, to determine and promulgate the standard monthly premium for the 12-month period beginning with July of the following year.
(2) The law was amended in 1983 to require that the
Secretary promulgate the standard monthly premium in September of that year, and each year thereafter, to be effective for the 12 months beginning with the following January.
(3) The standard monthly premium applies to individuals who enroll during their initial enrollment periods. In other situations, that premium may be increased or decreased as specified in this subpart.
(4) The law was further amended in 1984 to include a temporary “hold harmless” provision (set forth in paragraph (e) of this section), that was subsequently extended and finally made permanent in 1988.
(d) Limitation on increase of standard premium: 1987 and 1988. If there is no cost-of-living increase in old age or disability benefits for December 1985 or December 1986, the standard monthly premiums for 1987 and 1988 (promulgated in September 1986 and September 1987, respectively) may not be increased.
(e) Nonstandard premiums for certain cases -
(1) Basic rule. A nonstandard premium may be established in individual cases only if the individual is entitled to old age or disability benefits for the months of November and December, and actually receives the corresponding benefit checks in December and January.
(3) Special rule: Calendar years after 1988.
(i) Beginning with calendar year 1989, a premium increase greater than the cost-of-living increase is still a prerequisite for a nonstandard premium.
(ii) However, a nonstandard premium is not precluded solely because the cash benefit is further reduced as a result of government pension offset or workers' compensation
(iii) Beginning with CY 2007, a nonstandard premium may not be applied to individuals who are required to pay an income-related monthly adjustment amount described in § 408.28 of this part.
(4) Amount of nonstandard premium. The nonstandard premium is the greater of the following:
(i) The premium paid for December.
(ii) The standard premium promulgated for January, reduced as necessary to compensate for -
(A) The fact that the cost-of-living increase was less than the increase in the standard premium; or
(B) The further reduction in benefit because of government pension offset or workers' compensation payments.
How will the income-related monthly adjustment amount affect your total Medicare Part B premium?
§ 418.1125. How will the income-related monthly adjustment amount affect your total Medicare Part B premium?
(b) The nonstandard Medicare Part B premium amount described in 42 CFR 408.20 does not apply to individuals who must pay an income-related monthly adjustment amount. Such individuals must pay the full Medicare Part B standard monthly premium plus any applicable penalties for late enrollment or reenrollment plus the income-related adjustment.