Aggressively closing the schools has a trickle down effect. Parents then have to deal with children being at home. With our current economy a lot of parents both work or there are 1 parent families. Staying at home, telecommuting, may not be an option. So what are parents to do? Stay home and lose a day's wages? What if that parent is a healthcare worker? Do facilities now deal with a crisis understaffed?
Take the children to a friends home? This still creates a situation, albeit on a smaller scale, similar to having children in school. Plus, another situation to consider is there is a great number of children who receive their only hot or only meal of the day at school. How do these children get fed? Aggressively close schools is not a silver bullet. This is a VERY complex situation that needs complex solutions.
I agree with your points here to this degree - closing schools is going to create some problems for parents and guardians to have to overcome. I absolutely understand that point.
However, the fewer (and smaller) social interactions resulting from school closings are exactly what is needed to slow the transmission rate of this virus.
Some schools are continuing to serve meals throughout this time (which also has the benefit of keeping the food services staff working) to serve those portions of their population that do qualify for Free or Reduced Meals. There appears to be funding support for this from the federal levels - which would help address part of your concerns.
Many businesses have been quick to take public stands in support of their workers who need time off to care for family or if they become sick. I acknowledge this is not every business and (most likely) NOT small businesses who may not have the resources to support their workers through times like these.
As someone who works in the public education sector, I can tell you that every day kids are in school an increasing number of germs are being spread. Closing schools is the same preventative measure level as shutting down public events where large numbers of people gather. Our kids may not be at risk as much as the elderly in terms of this virus, but they can sure spread it.
We need the schools closed to help stop the spread of this virus because this is most effective way to help achieve the highest possible level of social distancing.