As a precaution, we've been on strict isolation since March 10. The only times we've left the house and backyard have been a few drives to the CVS pickup window for prescriptions and to the Walmart pickup lane for groceries. We schedule and!%2F deliveries (including tips for the drivers) on line and stay in the house when they come. We plan to start walking around town when better weather comes.
I'm wondering, assuming these services and the post office, Amazon, and UPS continue to work, what the longer term plan is. Live like this until a vaccine becomes available to us some time in 2021? No in person visits to or from our children? No gatherings for Easter, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas? No travel, of course, but also no summer days at the beach?
Short term, in addition to protecting ourselves, I feel we're doing a public service by making no demands on what's left of the healthcare system.
I wonder whether at some point we'll give up and take the risk.