Anyone see the MLE 2 br annual plat unit on E Bay for around $700? MF $895. No reserve. Unbelieveable. With Marriott not too keen on excercising ROFR there are bargains a-plenty. There will be more.
A Shadow Ridge 2 bedroom platinum just sold for $4539 on EBAY. The prices sure are headed south this week.
Anyone see the MLE 2 br annual plat unit on E Bay for around $700? MF $895. No reserve. Unbelieveable. With Marriott not too keen on excercising ROFR there are bargains a-plenty. There will be more.
When??? I have seen no PLATINUM MLE units that recently sold on eBay for that amount. I look daily and actually did bid on the last three. One sold in the mid $4K range and the second for just over $4K. Also, an EOY gold MLE sold for $2K.
There have been numerous SILVER MLE units auctioned off and some of those descriptions have been misleading. Most didn't even state that they were silver units. I usually email the seller asking him/her to clarify.