In 30 years we had ours pumped twice.
Use Ridex once a month and avoid powdered laundry detergents expecially Tide. Everyone has told me tide is tough on the systems both liquid and powder.
We have a garbage disposal ... no problem
I have heard to flush a cake of yeast with a can of coke. Works like the ridex and cheaper.
Get a reputable service person. The problem we had with one of our rentals after having it pumped was they knocked off a "baffle". That lets the water go out of the system into the leach bed. If those come loose then you start to have problems since the liquid can't drain properly.
Our ground is very clay-like so we dug some extra ditches for better drainage. (after inspection was passed)
Also we have the regular septic system and not the sand mound which they don't seem to work. Almost everybody in our area now is having to get the sand mounds.........much more expensive
When we built our DD place about 10 years ago the inspector kept denying our"test holes". After 3 different areas we told her keep digging , we have 20 acres. She finally approved the 4th hole
and she has not problems