Advice from you more experienced Tuggers please! I am interested in selling my [timeshare.] I submitted an inquiry to, who I understand from TUG is one of the more reputable companies to list your timeshare with. I gave them my information on the property and within minutes received a call saying they could get me a contract to sell within a few days. They said my unit would sell for $2000 less their commission. I promptly questioned what other fees I would be responsible for (closing costs,etc.) and was told that the buyer paid those and that I would get a check for the $2000 less $750 commission. No upfront fees were mentioned and they would get me a contract within a few days. Granted, I have never tried to sell any of my weeks but this just seemed too easy. Yes, clearing $1250 would be great as I just need to dispose of this week as we no longer use it but from what I have read on TUG there are a LOT of scammers ready to take advantage of situations like mine. Does anyone know much about this company? Where did they come up with $2000? I expected to list the week for an asking price and then consider offers that would come in. Thank you all for any advice you can give me on this!!
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