There is a simple rule of thumb with timeshare business offers:
NEVER pay an upfront fee - no matter what they call it - REPUTABLE brokers takes all fees out of the proceeds of the sale - AFTER the sale.
Right now, most timeshares are selling for 0-10% of original retail. Because there is more supply than demand, Mexican timeshares have been especially hard hit. Many people have nice timeshares they can't even give away.
Here's how to find out what your timeshare is selling for on the resale market:
1) Register with ebay
2) Sign in
3) Search for your resort by exact name
4) On the next page click "completed listings" in the menu on the left
5) The next page will show you current selling prices
(Be sure you look at the completed listings - those are actually SELLING prices - you will find asking prices all over the place, but what really counts is what they actually sold for.)
If you poke around a bit, you will see that there are more than 300 timeshares listed on ebay for $0-100 - most with no bids. Many people are having a hard time even giving away their timeshares these days.
If you discover that your TS has no resale value, it may be possible to give it away, if it is paid off, and all your fees are up to date. Let us know if you want more info. on that.
On the other hand, if you don't have to get rid of this timeshare, we can definitely help you get more use out of it. Let us know if you want more info. on that.