TUG Member
My wife would have killed me if I bought another week but it pained me to watch the Platinum Seaview just go for $305 on eBay! Is there any way Marriott lets this slide?
My wife would have killed me if I bought another week but it pained me to watch the Platinum Seaview just go for $305 on eBay! Is there any way Marriott lets this slide?
Why? Is the writing on the wall? Is their association with this location... terminating soon?
My wife would have killed me if I bought another week but it pained me to watch the Platinum Seaview just go for $305 on eBay! Is there any way Marriott lets this slide?
Perhaps it will ease your pain to learn that a "fellow/sister TUGger" (me) was the winner of that auction. I hope my husband doesn't kill me. We already own too many timeshares but... this will be out first Marriott.
It is within driving distance of our home (about 125 miles) and we will most likely want to use it ourselves every year. We have exchanged into that resort 3 times and loved it, even though it was off season. And it should be easy (I hope) to rent out a prime summer week in case we want/need to skip a year. We have lots of relatives and friends who look to us for help in planning a nice vacation.
I do have some concern about Marriott exercising their ROFR. And if it does go through, I have zero experience with the Marriott reservation system so I don't know how easy (or difficult) it will be to obtain a week in July 2012, which would be our preference. Elsewhere on the TUG Forums I think I saw a statement that owners of fixed weeks can begin making reservations 13 months in advance so I hope by the time we become the proud "parents" of this newest member of our timeshare stable, there will be something decent left for us to reserve. If not, we'll settle for a less demand week in 2012 and look forward to July weeks in the years thereafter.
In case you think your temptation is over, there is another Platinum Seaview week being actioned off on Ebay in 2 days with a "buy it now" price of $495. I think. Hubby is threatening to disable our computer and/or lock me in a closet around that time :hysterical:
Marriott does not have a ROFR at Fairway Villas, so no worries.