What if I don’t recontribute the CVD?
Another good question. You will be taxed on the CVD amount that you don’t recontribute within the three-year window, but you don’t have to worry about owing the dreaded 10% early withdrawal penalty if you are under age 59½.
You can choose to spread the taxable amount equally over three years, apparently starting with 2020. But here it gets tricky, because the three-year window won’t close until sometime in 2023. Until then, it won’t be clear that you failed to take advantage of the tax-free CVD rollover deal.
So, you may have to amend a prior-year return and report some additional taxable income from the CVD. Details to follow, because I don’t think our beloved Congress gave much thought to this issue when drafting the CARES Act.
You also have the option of simply reporting the taxable income from the CVD on your 2020 Form 1040. You won’t owe the 10% early withdrawal penalty if you are under age 59½.