Here is the site for the Real Estate Finance Database in NY:
If you search by the address 101 west 57th Street, you get a result that looks like this:
The link for T180002 gets you a listing of all the amendments to the POS for The Quin when you select the tab entitled Documents. That listing looks like this:
Amendment 12, attached, includes the price listing for the various unit broken down by unit type, platinum, gold, Thanksgiving Event Time, New Year's Event Time, annual/biennial, and unit number for the penthouse units, which are fixed week, fixed unit ownerships. It includes a disclaimer that the prices are negotiable and different purchasers may pay different amounts for identical interests. Whenever we've gone through an update, the offers we've been presented with seemed to match the POS; we did quite well by trading in a couple of resale weeks for a week at the Quin. YMMV, of course, but this is how you can find the list price for at least the NYC ones. I haven't looked up non-NYC ones, but found this because I was looking for the W57 POS as I have a resale week there.