"Dear Wyndham Hawaii - I am writing this letter as a last resort, regarding my purchase and subsequent rescission of a timeshare product on March__2020. Enclosed please find a copy of the rescission instructions, as well as our letter to you, and a copy of our mailing receipt. You will notice that these documents meet your requirement for a timely rescission. Since my credit card carrier has refunded the full purchase deposit, one might conclude that I have been made whole from this transaction, That is not the case. Your filings with the 3 major credit bureaus has caused a significant drop in our credit score, at a critical time in our lives.
I would like a communication from your office explaining the reasons for your actions. Do you feel like we do not deserve to rescind our purchase? If so, for what reason? If you find no reason to pursue this matter in court, I request that you contact the 3 major credit bureaus and correct our damaged report. If I do not hear from you by April _ 2020, I will pursue a legal remedy for this situation. My wife and I are in search of a house at this time and you have done significant damage to our lives.
I expect that this matter can be resolved without the expenses of an attorney. May we hear from you at your earliest convenience. Regards, _____________

Just a thought................ YMMV