I can not think of a circumstance where either legitimately requires it.
One possible circumstance would be if you rent an owned unit using the resort rental arm. But I would think they would ask for at that time.
I have never known any closing entity to ever request (or ever claim to require) a
buyer's social security #.
That particular buyer information is plainly neither necessary nor
any of their business in the first place.
have however known resort chains (Wyndham comes specifically and immediately to mind) to
attempt to collect social security number information, outside of the in-house rental circumstance basham cites above ( which case a W-9 and ss# are indeed legitimate requests).
I have always assumed that a resort / resort chain likely
wants that ss# information in order to facilitate any "collections" or "credit reporting" situations which may arise in the future as a result of a delinquent account. When I was a Wyndham
buyer, I overtly declined to ever provide ss# info to Wyndham. I always paid my fees on time and ss# was never mentioned again. When I later
sold (...gave away for free, actually) my Wyndham ownership, social security number was again never mentioned or required...