TUG Member
Does anyone have experience using redweek.com or timeshareadventures to advertise their timeshare? Which sites have you had the best luck with? Any idea's would be greatly appreciated.
For my 2009 rentals Vacation Timeshare and Rentals (VTR) has been getting the best results for me. Redweek for some reason has been dead.
I have had some success with redweek & the market place here on tug. My resort network didn't work for me at all, nor did vtr. The problem I find with redweek is that most of the inquiries seem to be about dates other than what I have advertised, even if I post that these are the only dates I have available.
It's only my second full year renting and selling timeshares, so my experience is limited, but all my success has been from myresortnetwork.com. I advertised in both redweek.com and myresortnetwork.com using same descriptions and price. Since all my rentals and one sale have come from myresortnetwork, I'll be giving up on redweek. I have recently tried using vacationtimesharerentals (it's free) and so far received one inquiry.
The absolute key to success in my opinion is to realistically price your weeks.