I took some time to run some numbers. I looked at units for both I and II from the earliest until end of March on Red Week
0/1 units - 17 listed, 5 rented, estimated avg rental $70/nt (this is looking at the numbers and adjusted down a bit to account for sellers taking offers)
1/1 units - 17 listed, 5 rented, $115/nt avg rental
2/2 units - 100 listed, 55 rented, $170/nt avg rental
Bottom line confirms my gut. Not worth the extra hassle/expense. I think when people think let's rent a 'timeshare' or 'condo' they are thinking multiple bedrooms. This seems to be confirmed in the fact less than 1/3 of the 0/1 and 1/1 are rented and over half the 2/2's are rented.