Yesterday's paper doesn't tell today's news, but...
...coconut mallory resort and marina. What is a resale going for these days? I would like an every other year one...
In recent months, I've seen (3) separate closed sales of EOY weeks at Coconut Mallory. The lowest closing price I saw was $1,950 (an eBay listing), the next closing price up from there was $2,800 (a Bidshares listing) and the third was advertised at $3,995 (not on an auction site, so the precise closing figure was not visible and
may have been sold for less).
It seems that there are
always resale weeks advertised for CM, although most are usually advertised at ridiculous and truly hallucinatory prices. In my opinion, you can easily buy a 2BR EOY resale week there for $3,500 or less virtually
anytime (...or you can buy a foreclosed EOY ownership from the sales sharks on site for $10k). It's surely not
my favorite place --- not by a long shot, but it's certainly the least expensive timeshare facility in all of Key West in purchase price and / or maintenance fees.
One building there is currently being done over, reportedly to sell full ownership condo units (i.e., not timeshares) within that one building. It's the concrete / stucco bldg on the left, before the (now former) "Tiki bar". These "offerings" (I have no idea about prices, but surely six figures) will reportedly include guaranteed dock space --- which makes me wonder what then becomes of dock space access for interval owners, since there is really not all that much dock space there to begin with.

Clearly, it would be wise to ask some
very specific questions on this point if you're looking at any CM resale with the intention of bringing a boat, since I
don't believe that interval deeds at CM reference (i.e.,
don't in any way actually
guarantee) dock space access as part of an interval ownership there...
P.S. You may already know that all interval ownerships at CM are "floating"; there are no "fixed" week ownerhips. The "reservation window" for the
following calendar year opens for all owners around September 1 each year.
I hope
some of my long winded (...but factual) info above helps you.