Okay people, not to ruffle any admins feather... Literally just hung up form RCI.
YES YOU CAN gift Trading Power Units (TPUs) from one weeks owner to another weeks owner. They now call it "Weeks deposit transfer*"
*This is a bit deceiving because you are NOT transferring a week per se, but a RELATION NUMBER.
Each of your deposit has a relation number assigned to it. If you have combined deposits, it has a number. If you have left over TPUs from partial use of TPUs for a trade, it too has a relation number assigned to it.
As of November 2015 there were some changes and this is the update I received moment ago:
1) now $98 to do a "Weeks deposit transfer"
2) the week is a relation number or relation NUMBERS - that is you can for the $98 fee transfer up to 5 (five) relation numbers to the same person at one time - which you have in your space bank account
3) The rep will need the Account Number of the person receiving the TPUs
4) a) The rep will complete a form on their end, take your money (of course!) and have the supervisor complete the transfer while you wait OR
b) The rep will get the supervisor on the phone [instead of the rep completing the form] who will take your money (of course) and complete the transfer
5) Either you or the receiver can pay the Weeks Deposit Transfer / gifting fee. If the receiver is paying, then do a 3 way call and have them on the line with you and the Rep/Supervisor.
That's it. Done.
The Weeks Deposit Transfer is synonymous with [also known as] 'gifting' - should you call and ask the RCI rep and forget the WDT moniker.
WHY would you want to gift TPUs to someone? Why not?!
If you are not using them, are not going to pay to combine them, are not going to pay to extend them, then why let them go to waste - esp when/if someone else less fortunate or in need could use them?
(I personally know a woman who was in a domestic violence situation who needed a shelter to get away to. She didnt have enough TPUs. I did not have enough to find an available week within her travel distance area from her kids school. But this is an extreme example. Which begs another questions = HOW DO YOU GET MORE TPUS if you need them, without buying another timeshare????????)
WHY would you want to gift TPUs to someone? Why not?!
What goes around comes around. Most everyone I've met in 35 years of 12 weeks of timeshare per year have been awesome families and folks, many who we still see annually and/or have rent/bought/sold directly with, or to, each other.
Timeshare is a great community... if you have like minded people...
What I like about TUG / Timeshare is the same thing I live about folks with sail boats, RVs, campers/camping, etc - they help each other to learn and get the most out of what they own! Good people are good people. What goes around, comes around!
Thanks for your comments!!
YES YOU CAN gift Trading Power Units (TPUs) from one weeks owner to another weeks owner. They now call it "Weeks deposit transfer*"
*This is a bit deceiving because you are NOT transferring a week per se, but a RELATION NUMBER.
Each of your deposit has a relation number assigned to it. If you have combined deposits, it has a number. If you have left over TPUs from partial use of TPUs for a trade, it too has a relation number assigned to it.
As of November 2015 there were some changes and this is the update I received moment ago:
1) now $98 to do a "Weeks deposit transfer"
2) the week is a relation number or relation NUMBERS - that is you can for the $98 fee transfer up to 5 (five) relation numbers to the same person at one time - which you have in your space bank account
3) The rep will need the Account Number of the person receiving the TPUs
4) a) The rep will complete a form on their end, take your money (of course!) and have the supervisor complete the transfer while you wait OR
b) The rep will get the supervisor on the phone [instead of the rep completing the form] who will take your money (of course) and complete the transfer
5) Either you or the receiver can pay the Weeks Deposit Transfer / gifting fee. If the receiver is paying, then do a 3 way call and have them on the line with you and the Rep/Supervisor.
That's it. Done.
The Weeks Deposit Transfer is synonymous with [also known as] 'gifting' - should you call and ask the RCI rep and forget the WDT moniker.
WHY would you want to gift TPUs to someone? Why not?!
If you are not using them, are not going to pay to combine them, are not going to pay to extend them, then why let them go to waste - esp when/if someone else less fortunate or in need could use them?
(I personally know a woman who was in a domestic violence situation who needed a shelter to get away to. She didnt have enough TPUs. I did not have enough to find an available week within her travel distance area from her kids school. But this is an extreme example. Which begs another questions = HOW DO YOU GET MORE TPUS if you need them, without buying another timeshare????????)
WHY would you want to gift TPUs to someone? Why not?!
What goes around comes around. Most everyone I've met in 35 years of 12 weeks of timeshare per year have been awesome families and folks, many who we still see annually and/or have rent/bought/sold directly with, or to, each other.
Timeshare is a great community... if you have like minded people...
What I like about TUG / Timeshare is the same thing I live about folks with sail boats, RVs, campers/camping, etc - they help each other to learn and get the most out of what they own! Good people are good people. What goes around, comes around!
Thanks for your comments!!
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