We are interested in converting to RCI points. If we are to purchase a resale that is already in RCI points, would the RCI points account convert to us or would we have to pay to convert to RCI points? What would be cheaper, purchase a week which includes RCI points or convert the resort we already own in weeks (Landmark Holiday Beach resort) to points? What are people currently paying to convert to points through the resort? Thanks. Debby
In general,
- If you buy a TS which has been converted to RCI points, you as the new owner will be in RCI points ( BUT there are a few resorts which make you reconvert again & a huge TS system ( wyndham) which doesn't allow resale buyers access to RCI points at all)
- Almost always it is cheaper to buy a converted week than it is to convert to RCI points. THIS SHOULDN'T BE TRUE!! BUT IS BECAUSE THE RESORTS CHARGE MUCH MORE THAN THE $200 DOLLARS WHICH RCI CHARGES THEM TO CONVERT TO POINTS. {There are a handfull of resorts which only charge the $ 200 which RCI charges to convert, (Sheraton Vistana is one)} IMHO, I'd never pay more than $400 to convert a week to points. If they ask for anymore than that, tell them you can buy a converted week for that and why should you pay more??
- People pay these large fees because the resort lies to them about what will happen if they don't convert. And just like buying resale instead of buying from the developer, most people don't ever question the story they are being told by the resort/developer.
Good Luck