Back in September, I contacted another Tugger about purchasing a timeshare. I didn't hear back for several weeks and assumed that the seller had either found another buyer or changed their mind. Then I heard back. They wanted me to contact LT, which I did, but then LT needed paperwork from the seller. Another several weeks later, they responded. I paid LT and then was asked to provide 2020 MFs (I am getting 2020 use) since it was so close to the end of the year as well as $100 transfer fee - no problem since I sent them to LT. So now we are approaching the end of the year and still nothing. LT sent me an email that they need to get the notarized paperwork from the seller but I am all set on my end. I am getting a bit nervous since I have no idea how long the actual transfer will take and no idea how long it will be before I can reserve my week. If it were the transfer I was waiting for, I would at least know there was something formailzed. How long do I wait for someone who clearly sees no sense of urgency to complete the sale? This has been "in process" for more than three months. Am I missing something here? Any thoughts? Should I hunker down or make a run for it?