Fern Modena
TUG Lifetime Member
I got my Quarter House maintenence bill and newsletter today. Thought y'all would be interested in how they are doing. Here's what they say about the resort's condition, etc.:
"Updates on Hurricanes Katrina & Rita !!!
We would once again like to share with you information about the Quarter House Resort and how things are going at the Quarter House and around New Orleans since hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
The Quarter House came through both Katrina and Rita very well. We did not receive any damage from floodwaters. As you may already know, the Quarter House is located in the French Quarter, which was part of the original settlement founded some 350 years ago on some of the highest land in the city. The French Quarter was spared from some of the strongest winds and rains from the hurricanes, and the Quarter House did not rece4ive any catastrophic damage, meaning no roofs or walls were destroyed.
We have been successful in completing an enormous clean up effort thanks to all our staff members who were able to return shortly after Katrina. The staff within the resort is completing the clean up and repairs so we can move on to other projects that were underway before the hurricanes.
The Quarter House reopened October 7, 2005 to our owners and guests. The French Quarter is coming back very rapidly. Many businesses have reopened and are waiting for tourists. A list of restaurants and music clubs already opened and operating, are outlined for you on page 1 of this newsletter.
Come and celebrate with us a new beginning. New Orleans needs you. We are a people of great resilience with a great spirit of friendship and joyfull exuberance. We are ready to celebrate and we want you to share with us. We hope to see y'all soon."