I shared this with an old friend, and in less than a minute he responded with the following. Apparently he has been saving his favorites for years:
1. The Yellow River by I.P. Daily
2. The Numbers Game by Cal Q. Later
3. Under the Bleachers by Seymour Butts
4. Rusty Bed Springs by I.P. Freeley
5. Twenty Yards to the Outhouse by Willie Makit, illustrated by Betty Wont and published by Andy Dint
6. Spots on the Wall by Hugh Flung Poo
7. Falling Off a Cliff by Eileen Dover
8. The Complete Proctologist's Handbook by Ben Dover
9. The Joys of Drinking by Al Coholic
10. My Life with Igor by Frank N. Stein
11. Supporting Athletes by Jacques Strappe
12. Things That Itch by Mike Rotch
13. I Was Prepared by Justin Case
14. Small Treasures in the Toilet Bowl by I.P. Nickels
15. What Makes a Good Thief by Ian Yerhous
16. Waiting in Line for the Bathroom by Ivana Tinkle
17. Practical proctology by Bea Hind
18. The future of robotics by Cy Borg and Anne Droid
19. What to do if you're in a car accident by Rhea Ender
20. How Things Work by Wyatt Dunne
21. Breathing Lessons by Hal E. Tosis
22. Why Should I Walk? by Iona Carr
23. Deep in Debt by Owen A. Lott
24. The Most and the Least by Maxi & Minnie Mum
25. How to Get Good Grades by B.A. Wiseman
26. The Sun by Sol Ar
27. Blazing! by Lotta Heat
28. Computer Memory by Meg A. Byte
29. Gotta Go by C. U. Leiter
30. Can't Go There by Hans Off
31. Card Suits by Di A. Mond
32. Checking Your Homework by R.U. Wright
33. The Membership List by Ross Terr
34. Manwich by "Slop" E. Joe
35. The Giant Clock Tower by Big Ben
36. All About Flowers by Chris Anthymum
37. Short Shorts by Daisy Duke
38. Boy Scout Brigade by Pat Troll
39. The Lost Scout by Werram Eye
40. Late for Work by Dr. Wages
41. Kitty's Revenge by Claude Balls
42. Brown Streaks Across the Desert by Who Flung Dung
43. Ten Years in the Bathtub by Rink Lee Prune
44. Antlers in the Tree Top by Hugh Goostamooce
45. Tiger in the Bathroom by Heidi Ingthe Tub
46. How to Eat Cereal by Poor A. Bowl
47. Smelly Stuff by Anita Bath
48. Being Lonely by Shenita Mann.
49. Technology in the 21st century by Rob Ott
50. A Hitchiker's Guide To Not Getting Killed by Ren Tacar
51. Gotta Go To The Bathroom by Think L. Maket, Illustrated by Betty Went, Published by Doris Laukt
52. Blue Darts by Hugh Gexplo Zhun
53. Bubbles in the Bath by Ivor Windybottom
54. Can't Sit Still by Ivan Auflitch
55. Microsoft Business Practices by Eve Hill
56. I Must Go Again by D. I. Aria
57. Interesting Places Around The World by Ben There & Don That
58. Paris Monuments by I. Phil Taurer
59. Text Editing by E. Max and Vi
60. The Bearded Chinaman by Harry Chin