Hi Adrian, my contract ( which I bought resale) is a weeks contract from 2010 so mine is completely different than the points contracts that I think started in Jan of 2011. It's my understanding most points contracts have the every five year refurbishment fee equal to an annual maintenance fee clause. The points contract have a lower MF than weeks contracts because of this clause. It's my understanding that sometime in 2011 they added that clause to the fine print on the back of the contract.
You will need to call Member Services at the resort and ask them to identify where the charge is indicated on your contract. The reservation number (800 990 8250) should be able to transfer you to Sunset's Member Services. If not, call the front desk at PBS and they will transfer you to them as they are onsite near the Market.
I think the PBPP program is a Vacation Club product that came after the points contracts were no longer able to be sold (no inventory). You need to call Member Service to resolve the issue and perhaps a more recent PBS member who purchased in 2015 might be able to help you more.
Sorry, I have no more info on the more recent contracts.