I have Prosopagnosia, AKA Face Blindness. It's hard for me to tell people apart unless there's something quite distinctive about them - glasses, hair, size. Even so, I have to work hard to memorize their face and then associate it with their name. It's less hard with my front-row students and those with distinctive characteristics, but the rest, forget it. If I see them out of context, e.g. in different seats or walking around campus, it's hopeless.
I am terrible with movies and TV, because most of the characters with similar coloring and hair look the same to me - in Downton Abbey, I couldn't tell the two older thin dark-haired women apart - Mrs. Hughes and the always secretive one whose name I can't remember, and I got Mrs. Bates (the former) mixed up with them too. Mr. Bates and Mr. Carson were a problem. You get the idea.
If you think you might have this and/or are interested in learning more, go to http:www/faceblind.org .
Try the Famous Faces Test http://www.faceblind.org/facetests/index.php
I got 3/30 (and one of those I got only because of that person's glasses - sans glasses I wouldn't have known who it was). DH got 29/30, and a friend got 27/30.
The second link on the tests takes you here http://www.testmybrain.org/ and from there you can click "Can You Name That Face". I got 0.
Any other Prosos out there?
I am terrible with movies and TV, because most of the characters with similar coloring and hair look the same to me - in Downton Abbey, I couldn't tell the two older thin dark-haired women apart - Mrs. Hughes and the always secretive one whose name I can't remember, and I got Mrs. Bates (the former) mixed up with them too. Mr. Bates and Mr. Carson were a problem. You get the idea.
If you think you might have this and/or are interested in learning more, go to http:www/faceblind.org .
Try the Famous Faces Test http://www.faceblind.org/facetests/index.php
I got 3/30 (and one of those I got only because of that person's glasses - sans glasses I wouldn't have known who it was). DH got 29/30, and a friend got 27/30.
The second link on the tests takes you here http://www.testmybrain.org/ and from there you can click "Can You Name That Face". I got 0.
Any other Prosos out there?