I've been forced (lack of money) to represent my self in post trial diviorce litigation on appeal . (The lawyers who have posted probably wonder why there is so much litigation while on appeal re lack of jurisdiction, but I have a bad judge). It isn't fun, and you have to be twice as good as the lawyer on the other side because many judges will find against you because few in the legal business like pro se litigants.
However, in your case, the sod layer probably isn't going to hire a lawyer, and the case will most likely be in small claim's court. Document everything, use certified mail in contacting her, it is a very small filing fee, and if she doesn't respond you will by default.
In small cases, I might disagree some with the poster/attorney who said you would never win if the other side had an attorney. I'd agree if a judge was hearing the matter; but if you requested a jury trial, I think you'd have a better chance. I think many attorneys underestimate how little the general population appreciates them.