For over a month I have been so excited about the best ever present (so I thought) that I was planning for my DH.
I got a Groupon to order a woven cotton blanket made from a photo, and immediately thought of one of our antique cars. I got a great picture of it, uploaded it to their site, followed all the directions about centering, cropping, etc etc. Throughout, the site showed me what my blanket would look like.
DH neither wants nor needs anything, so shopping for him is always difficult. This, though, was just so cool I KNEW he would love it. I was so excited, tracking it online, etc.
According to the site, after my submission the order would go to their art room for any needed adjustments - I assumed straightening or brightening or cleaning up any glitches in the photo. Then on to weaving, then washing so it would be fresh and soft, final inspection, and Fed Ex to me.
Well, it came today, and it is horrible. Hideous. Downright ugly. Totally unacceptable. Folded, it was so dark and dull that I thought they must have folded it inside-out, and surely I was seeing the back. Nope, when I unfolded it the front was so awful I felt like crying.
The bright beautiful car is dark and muddy, the trees with fall leaves in the background nearly black....and it isn't even soft. There is ONE tiny section with the right color, so I know they have the dye or yarn.
Of course I know I can get my money back, but darn it I want what I ordered! I pasted a smile on my face and called customer service; of course they weren't answering the phone - probably frantic a few days before Christmas. I left a very polite but very disappointed message asking for a call back after Christmas, with the hope that they can make a replacement that actually looks like what I ordered.
It's often said that giving is more important than receiving, and I really really feel that here.....I honestly don't care what if anything I "get", and I was sooooo looking forward to giving this present.

I got a Groupon to order a woven cotton blanket made from a photo, and immediately thought of one of our antique cars. I got a great picture of it, uploaded it to their site, followed all the directions about centering, cropping, etc etc. Throughout, the site showed me what my blanket would look like.
DH neither wants nor needs anything, so shopping for him is always difficult. This, though, was just so cool I KNEW he would love it. I was so excited, tracking it online, etc.
According to the site, after my submission the order would go to their art room for any needed adjustments - I assumed straightening or brightening or cleaning up any glitches in the photo. Then on to weaving, then washing so it would be fresh and soft, final inspection, and Fed Ex to me.
Well, it came today, and it is horrible. Hideous. Downright ugly. Totally unacceptable. Folded, it was so dark and dull that I thought they must have folded it inside-out, and surely I was seeing the back. Nope, when I unfolded it the front was so awful I felt like crying.
The bright beautiful car is dark and muddy, the trees with fall leaves in the background nearly black....and it isn't even soft. There is ONE tiny section with the right color, so I know they have the dye or yarn.
Of course I know I can get my money back, but darn it I want what I ordered! I pasted a smile on my face and called customer service; of course they weren't answering the phone - probably frantic a few days before Christmas. I left a very polite but very disappointed message asking for a call back after Christmas, with the hope that they can make a replacement that actually looks like what I ordered.
It's often said that giving is more important than receiving, and I really really feel that here.....I honestly don't care what if anything I "get", and I was sooooo looking forward to giving this present.

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