Staying at the Cliffs Club Resort on Kauai and without warning, the whole resort loses electrical power on March 28 around 5:30 pm. Called the front rest and they said not to worry as the power would be back on momentarily. As we had dinner plans in Kileua, we drove ther to find that that section of the island was also down without electrical so we headed for home stopping by Foodland to see what we could scrounge up for a meal. Foodland also without electrical and was full of people who had the same idea as us.
Anyone else on Kauai on March 28 having a similar story? Anyone know what the cause was? Power finally came on again at 9:45 pm. Glad we had our IPad along to play a few games in the dark, and boy it does get dark in a hurry. Cliff Club did have candles for all the units which helped in a small way. It was a night that we will remember.
Anyone else on Kauai on March 28 having a similar story? Anyone know what the cause was? Power finally came on again at 9:45 pm. Glad we had our IPad along to play a few games in the dark, and boy it does get dark in a hurry. Cliff Club did have candles for all the units which helped in a small way. It was a night that we will remember.