Here a "raffle" has a single combined pot for all items, a "penny auction" or "penny social" has separate pots for each item, a "silent auction" is when each item has a sheet and you write down your bids with all bids closing at a pre-set time, a "Secret Santa" is when you pull names and get a gift for one specific person, and a "Yankee Swap" is what we do at Christmas when everybody who puts in a gift takes a number and you choose, swap, take. Lots of fun!
We've outlawed lottery tickets in our family Yankee Swaps, Hypnotiq. They just don't require any imagination or effort! The most fun gift so far for us has been Flat Danno. You know about Flat Stanley? Well, two of my sisters work in a print shop and they cooked up Flat Danno. Danno, one of my nephews, was 17 at the time and they chose him randomly. They printed a lifesize pic and mounted it on cardboard with a stand; for the past three years Flat Danno's been passed around and every couple months somebody puts a pic of Flat Danno on Facebook to show us what he's been up to.