Actually, you have it backwards. The limitation is on the owners, not on Wyndham, so we would have to track the points separately in order to comply with the limitations. They would have to track the points separately in order to enforce the limitations and compel owners to comply with them, but have chosen a simpler and presumably more cost effective way to accomplish that by merely limiting the number of points you can take out of a use year using PDF to the amounts of points owned excluding bonus and PIC contracts (the first limitation). The second limitation they don't actually seem to police because it is somewhat of a corollary to the first limitation, with some hand waving allowed to justify the ability to move leftover points from a PDF or PIC that is in the same bin by rationalizing that you could swap out the points. (N.B., Wyndham is known to read postings here and get ideas for things they can tighten up the rules/implementation on - I don't think it's all that big a deal and they should probably just eliminate the second one as not accomplishing much in the way of limitation anyway, but it would be best if we all stopped harping on how they could "improve" things in the software system and make life harder for us, if you get what I mean. In simpler terms, please stop posting suggestions for how they can screw me, and you, if it is in their best interest and inexpensive because there is a possibility they would do so.)