I would appreciate hearing info from anyone who has not paid maintenance fees at any resort and what their experience was? I think responses might help myself and others as we think of ways to eliminate maintenance fees, as we get older and can not use the resorts as much..
Thank you, Bill
Try to deedback first. I know Williamsburg Plantation sometimes does deed backs.
Out of 18 MF reported defaults I received on TUG, 3 got reported to credit agencies, none of the 3 were Vacation Villages (VV).
Out of 4 VV reported defaults, one got reported to the credit agencies, but that was a mortgage loan default.
A MF TS owner defaulting in FL might be wise not contact the resort or respond to mail. Doing so preserves that TS owner’s right to anti-deficiency, meaning the resort can take nothing more than the TS, although it can report said MF-defaulting TS owner to the three credit agencies.