If you are concerned about selling in an emergency, the first thing I would do is cancel your trade. Now read everything you can on the TUG board, including the section on Buying, selling and renting. IMHO, DO NOT think you can get your purchase price back, especially quickly. Just settlement time will take 60-90 days. Many TUGGERs have their own way of doing their calculations, I personally view my purchase price breakeven period to be 8-10 years. There are many, many factors discussed on these boards, buying from developer vs. resale, incentives, maintainence fees, and frankly how popular a particular resort or area is. While I have seen a tightening up of Orlando, there are many that think it is way overbuilt, and unless you buy your unit at a steal, you'll never get your money back. Some food for thought. BTW, you may want to post your question as a separate post as opposed to within a question about Ownertrades.