Sales people lie.
Trying to get accurate info. at a sales presentation is a waste of precious vacation time.
WHY do you think the sales staff KNOW anything about "Exchanging" outside of the Wyndham system
OR about a corporate program that they are NOT IN THE LOOP ON and has nothing to do with conning YOU into buying MORE points from them to EARN a commission check?
DeniseM is absolutely right ... it is a TOTAL waste of your PRECIOUS VACATION TIME.
I have a 90 year old aunt ... how many vacations does she have in HER future? Sure, she is 90 ... we all know there can't be many. But I ask her, every time I leave town ... "You want to come with me? I am going to XYZ".
But as for you or YOUR FAMILY ... 3 Octobers ago (3 years) my 53 yo BIL dropped dead on the bathroom floor. Not from a disease like cancer, not from a heart condition, not from a chronic illness .... but a blood vessel bursting inside his brain. I am sure if he had it to do over again .... he rather have spent the last week of his life doing "family things", enjoying a family vacation, calling his elderly Dad, hugging his 3 children .... than in a Wyndham timeshare sales presentation or cleaning his garage.
He was lucky and blessed in many ways ... he went to Kauai in April with his wife and most of her siblings... had an oceanfront unit ... tour all the island ... had a great time BBQ our meals and living life in one of the pretty places on earth. In August, he took his 2 younger children and his wife on an Alaskan cruise for 7 nights with many of his wife's siblings & spouses (one set celebrating 25 years of marriage). Those kids will always remember that cruise and the various activiites.
Two DREAM TRIPS of a lifetime within 4 months time ... and then he died 2.5 months later? His vacation time expired ... and thankful, he and my sister did NOT waste one previous moment listening to a "presentation" for $50-100. He and his wife ... had once in a lifetime trips ... with photos (including a set of his family group professional photo setting on the Alaskan cruise).
How would your story be written?