Timely subject
I too am sorting through photographs. My aunt, who has long passed, and my still-alert 96 year old mother-in-law were both big travellers. I have several boxes of photo albums, mainly of their trips. And the truth is.....no one is interested in them. Family members aren't interested in even looking at them and they definitely aren't interested in taking them to their home. They aren't even interested in any of the family or historical photos. So I will be going through the process of keeping the occasional photo of the two individuals but the remainder will be going into the garbage. I feel that travel photos are only really meaningful to the people who were there.
I also have my family photo albums and some scrapbooking albums and photobooks I created. This format encourages you to be selective in the number of photos that will be used in the project. Those I hope will have some value to my children. This year some of the photos were used to create a slide presentation that was shown at my son's wedding. My travel photos for the past 5 years have been incorporated into a travel blog which is stored on a compact external hard drive. I did this mainly to share with family and friends while I am on a journey and they enjoy following along. I am keenly interested in photography so I only select the best photos that tell my story. I hope to be able to review the blogs as I age and can't travel anymore but I'm sure when I'm gone no one will look at them and the hard drive will end up in one of my children's storage areas. The travel journal site I recommend is
My feeling is we take far too many photos, particularly in this digital age. I already worry about all of my things that my children will have to deal with when I'm gone. I plan to not burden them with boxes of printed photos or overwhelm them with digitalized versions. This has been my personal experience but I'm sure other families have different views and perhaps will place a higher value on the thousands of photos that were kept for them.