Looking for 3 bedroom or could do 2 bedroom with a couch bed. Thanks for considering.
I can do bonnet creek for the maintenance fees. 3 bedroom deluxe
So my post of Orlando : Disney : 3BR was apparently misleading...
We are going to Orlando to go to Disney. I have 3 adults who would like beds but could possible do a 2 bedroom with a couch bed & put my 22 year old niece on it. I never asked for an on-site Disney property that rents for $1800 a night to drop into my lap at $700 for the week. I see listings all the time for Star Island, Sheraton Vistana, Bonnet Creek, etc that title them Disney without them being criticized for doing so. I am open to any offers of 2 or 3 bedrooms for the week of December 19-26th. We will have a car. I appreciate those of you who have made me offers on great properties by private message. I have responded respectfully but declined due to the price being higher than what I have booked. I qualify for great deals with my work affiliation. I currently have a reservation at a near Disney property that I can cancel up to 24 hours prior if someone has a timeshare week they can't use & would like the maintenance fees reimbursed to them. If not, I will stay where I am and wish all TUGers a Merry Christmas!![]()
I see listings all the time for Star Island, Sheraton Vistana, Bonnet Creek, etc that title them Disney without them being criticized for doing so.
So did you take Bonnet Creek?
The private message I received via a TUGer concerning the week at Bonnet Creek was a little over $500 more than what I am currently booked in at another resort (which is booked at $1100). I am in negotiations with someone on Redweek.com for $850 for Bonnet Creek in a 2 BR Deluxe which I will take, cancel my other reservation, and move on with my life. Thank you to those who made me an offer! After Disney tickets, Universal tickets, crazy rental car rates, airplane tickets and dinner packages we have booked... every little dime I can save helps! Happy Holidays to all!