If you think the RM resort is huge, then you won't like NV. It's at least 2-3x the size, IMO.
The beach itself is fine, (IMO), it's the getting into the water part (but it's similar that way in Puerto Morelos at the El Cid as well) that's a little tricky, depending on how far you want to go out. I thought they had built docks/piers you could use to get past the coral.
Cozumel doesn't really have sandy beaches (sea walls only) until you get to the southern tip (or the north/eastern side but the winds/currents are very very strong there). The few timeshares that have the "walk in" beaches in cozumel (not a sea wall) are either AI or horrendously expensive, IMO. But to each his own.
I liked the El Cid la Ceiba (but stay in the new towers, not the old part) as they had a very nice snorkel area right there. A 15 min. cab ride to Chanakanaab has a nice "beach" (sea wall again), with awesome snorkeling, but it's around $30 (?) USD per ticket, but it does have lockers you can rent, a restaurant, and bathrooms, so I prefer it over some of the other public beaches that have no lockers (I'm not leaving my stuff on the beach while I snorkel).
But maybe give/try NV location a whirl. Vidanta also has San Jose del Cabo (not Cabo San Lucas), and Mazatlan I think as well. Those are two other places I'd like to visit.