any more ideas? so no use if you are resale?
At Cape Canaveral Resort there are 2 Seasons, VALUE (Weeks 20-22, 36-45, 48-50) and PEAK (Weeks 1-19, 23-35, 46-47, 51-52).
Peak Weeks for a 2 bedroom Lock-Off are 140,000 HIVC Points or 70,000 RCO Points (2:1 for HIVC to RCI).
If you buy resale at Cape Canaveral you will not get into HIVC, but you could exchange within Cape Canaveral Resort within your Season or deposit your week with RCI Weeks.
For the best value in a HIVC resale, look for a 2 bedroom Las Vegas Desert Club Peak Season (Week 32-44). These do not transfer with Points, but offer the highest trading value for the lowest maintenance fee.
Only South Beach Resort, Smoky Mountain Resort, and Lake Geneva can transfer as HIVC Points.