Synopsis: Snore
DW & I are both huge Evanovich fans. We buy every Stephanie Plum book as soon as it comes out. So we went to see the movie this weekend.
Snore. I mean, it's mildly OK, in a got nothing better to do kinda way. But it should have been so much better.
Mostly, every major part is miscast. I mean, I like Katherine Heigl (loved her on Gray's Anatomy). But she's no Stephanie Plum. At all. Not nearly bumbling enough. It's more like Izzie is slumming it in Trenton, but just for fun. She'll be back at Seattle Grace after she's done with her fun.
Ditto for other characters. Debbie Reynolds plays....Debbie Reynolds. Not Grandma Mazur. Mrs. Plum is OK, I guess; but nothing special. The guy who plays Ranger, who used to play on Rescue Me, isn't too bad. But I had in mind somebody like The Rock. And Vinnie -- don't get me started on Vinnie. He's not Vinnie at all. Not nearly sleazy enough. Too skinny and mildly good looking. I really had pictured Danny DeVito in that role.
Pretty much a waste of money and a Saturday afternoon.
DW & I are both huge Evanovich fans. We buy every Stephanie Plum book as soon as it comes out. So we went to see the movie this weekend.
Snore. I mean, it's mildly OK, in a got nothing better to do kinda way. But it should have been so much better.
Mostly, every major part is miscast. I mean, I like Katherine Heigl (loved her on Gray's Anatomy). But she's no Stephanie Plum. At all. Not nearly bumbling enough. It's more like Izzie is slumming it in Trenton, but just for fun. She'll be back at Seattle Grace after she's done with her fun.
Ditto for other characters. Debbie Reynolds plays....Debbie Reynolds. Not Grandma Mazur. Mrs. Plum is OK, I guess; but nothing special. The guy who plays Ranger, who used to play on Rescue Me, isn't too bad. But I had in mind somebody like The Rock. And Vinnie -- don't get me started on Vinnie. He's not Vinnie at all. Not nearly sleazy enough. Too skinny and mildly good looking. I really had pictured Danny DeVito in that role.
Pretty much a waste of money and a Saturday afternoon.