I have had it in the TUG marektplace for months with no interest and have padi the 2012 fees with no reimbursement necessary but still nothing. We have owned it for 15 years and used it one time so we really need to dispose of it. We have a beach house and other than going there we usually visit family and friends elsewhere.They are going to charge you a large upfront fee (thousands $$$).
Before you consider using a company like this, please consider giving your timeshare away to someone who wants it - http://www.tugbbs.com/forums/showthread.php?t=132509
I have had it in the TUG marektplace for months with no interest and have padi the 2012 fees with no reimbursement necessary but still nothing. We have owned it for 15 years and used it one time so we really need to dispose of it. We have a beach house and other than going there we usually visit family and friends elsewhere.
Have you previously contacted Diamond to see if they would take it back?
IMO this should be your first step. If they say "No", wait 4-6 weeks or so and ask again. No harm, no foul. As I have mentioned on other threads I have successfuly divested myself of 4 Weeks this way.
Oddly enough, I have been in a brief conversation recently with a Diamond employee in their resale department.
This is a perfect example for me to ask their strategy for this situation (ie I see that you have the property listed for a dollar on TUG already)
have you previously contacted Diamond to see if they would take it back?
Do you simply call them and say I would like to give my week back to you?
Do you simply call them and say I would like to give my week back to you? If so is there a department that is best to ask for and do you by any chance have any contact info on them? Thanks so much for this guidance.
Write, don't call --- and politely request the courtesy of a written response in return (as well as procedural instructions, if the "deedback" is to be accepted).
After all, do you really want to accept a telephone answer on such an important matter from a bored receptionist (...or worse, from a clueless call center operator?)![]()
Oddly enough, I have been in a brief conversation recently with a Diamond employee in their resale department.
This is a perfect example for me to ask their strategy for this situation (ie I see that you have the property listed for a dollar on TUG already)
have you previously contacted Diamond to see if they would take it back?
Does anyone have any experience with or knaowledge of a company name On the Spot Timeshare Disposal?
I received a post card... called in, it was $585 + transfer fee to take over my Vistana Lakes ownership. I found this thread... but looks like all the reply's have nothing to do with the original post and have nothing to contribute to the posters question... Anyone else with input on this company, I would appreciate it. Not looking for more info on how to get rid of it my self...
I received a post card... called in, it was $585 + transfer fee to take over my Vistana Lakes ownership. I found this thread... but looks like all the reply's have nothing to do with the original post and have nothing to contribute to the posters question... Anyone else with input on this company, I would appreciate it. Not looking for more info on how to get rid of it my self...