uncletupelo83 said:
Does anybody have any info on this place? Never having been to Puerto Vallarta any information on this place would be really appreciated.
Hi, I don't think it's a Timshare Property, a few people go there that I know but say it's a hotel all inclusive like the RUI which they book from a travel agent, the Rui is just along the beach in Neuvo Vallarta not far from the resort you mention. The Marival does have a good and well known restaurant in it and many timeshare resort owners from Paradise Village and the Flamingos go there for dinner on the Beach, I think it's called something like "Bernado's" not sure, but someone will give you the name. We only use Timeshare properties so sorry can't give you any positives or negatives for the Marival, it's quite close to Paradise Village, yes I agree with the above poster try: TRIPADVISOR.COM.